Hamzeh, Y., Ashori, A., Mirzaei, B., Abdulkhani, A., & Molaei, M.

Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review 15 (9): 4934–4938


In this work, biomass-derived energy has been highlighted and biomass has been divided into three main categories: agricultural residues, animal waste, and municipal solid waste. Energy is essential for the economic and social development and improved quality of life in Iran as in other countries. Much of the world’s energy requirement, however, is currently produced from fossil fuels that could not be sustained if technology were to remain stagnant and if overall quantities were to increase substantially. The process of controlling atmospheric emissions of greenhouse and other gases and substances should increasingly be based on efficiency in energy production, transmission, distribution and consumption in the country. The need for transition to sustainable energy resources has been recognized in Iran. To reduce and utilize the waste produced from these resources and be benefited from green fuels, an assessment was carried out to provide an overview on green energy potentials in Iran. The annual biomass potentials of Iran in terms of agricultural, animal and municipal wastes are 8.78×106, 7.7×106 and 3×106 tonnes, respectively. In addition, poplar planting and microalgae can play an important role in the future scenario of wood supply and energy recovery in Iran.

Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology
Department of Chemical Technologies
Last updated on Feb - 16 2025
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